Zobraziť staršie správy
Pre odoslanie správy sa musíš prihlásiť.
jún 17 2020 16:39:33 |
kamaráde, jak můžeš zablokovat někoho s dynamickou IP?
jún 17 2020 16:39:23 |
nejsou :)
jún 17 2020 15:13:12 |
hráči s DIP sú automatický blokovaný, takže nemajú žiadnu šancu sa pripojiť na server
jún 17 2020 14:08:59 |
oukej boomi
jún 17 2020 13:33:50 |
a zakázat banování DIP musí vedení, ne admini :)
jún 17 2020 13:33:33 |
oni prostě DIP nepřestanou banovat, jelikož jim je jedno, jestli dají ban někomu, kdo za nic nemůže a napíšou mu, že byl ban oprávněný
jún 17 2020 13:33:07 |
je tu problém :)
jún 17 2020 13:32:56 |
jún 17 2020 13:23:27 |
tol33, please, people aren't as great as you think they are, we will always make mistakes.
jún 17 2020 00:37:45 |
and my kd was above 1.7
jún 17 2020 00:37:33 |
i dont know why i kept losing points
jún 17 2020 00:37:21 |
man, thank you too much
jún 16 2020 21:32:48 |
tol33, I just changed the rank distribution, so you should be able to get more points. But remember that it's still ELO, which means that you will be adjusted by the same amount of points as your opponent (and that is relative to their ranking)
jún 16 2020 19:42:41 |
my name is Crime Boss and i am 2nd overall
jún 16 2020 19:42:26 |
seems kinda strange
jún 16 2020 19:42:21 |
with lower kd i dont lose points, and with my 1.7 kd now i lose points
jún 16 2020 19:41:58 |
ok ty, look at my previous sessions
jún 16 2020 16:21:59 |
tol33, hello, you should lose more points when you play against lower-ranked players. 18 points seem like a lot though. I will take a look on the ranking system and make some adjustments.
jún 16 2020 16:17:20 |
[AMXBans] Dovod : ' Autobanyhop '
jún 16 2020 16:17:05 |
StarkySan-Zombie #1 ja nemužu z te žádosti o unban :D