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jún 21 2020 23:14:11 |
tol33, I explained it to you above. You are the 4th best player and you practically reached your maximum rank, until you get even better. This is the way HLStats ranking system works (just like any other point-based ranking system)
jún 21 2020 22:53:17 |
tol33, You really do not know how ranking system works you crybaby... if you want higher ELO you need to play against better players
jún 21 2020 22:45:03 |
try to make it less harsh for better players, cuz you cant gain points and you gain waaay to little point... plz
jún 21 2020 22:44:15 |
dark eagle, so what am i supposed to do? have 5 kd? try to change it ffs, you just cant rank up, and plus FIX YOUR #2 1v1 SERVER, right now there are 2 blatant cheaters, stop neglecting it...
jún 21 2020 22:01:16 |
Pokial tam nie su hráči tak tam sú boti
jún 21 2020 19:22:11 |
vsade na servery len autoboti ??
jún 20 2020 23:07:11 |
like that until you get better.
jún 20 2020 23:05:44 |
getting subtracted by a larger amount. You simply need to die less, or kill higher ranked players. The points system actually works in a similar way that other ranking systems work. Your position (rank) is around 5600 / 5700 right now and it will stay
jún 20 2020 23:03:29 |
tol33, You're the 4th person in the HLStats and you're probably playing against players that are worse than you. You can't really rank up by playing against these kind of players, it would be unfair. That's why if you get killed, your points are
jún 20 2020 19:36:48 |
2020-06-20, 2kd i lose points??? man can you like fix this or?
jún 20 2020 19:36:28 |
http://hlstats.fakaheda.eu/hlxce_165761/ hlstats.php?mode=playersessions&player=42 1476
jún 20 2020 19:36:11 |
ok, now look
jún 20 2020 18:35:41 |
tol33, I responded to your message above.
jún 20 2020 15:32:49 |
jún 20 2020 15:31:42 |
do you have anything against me? did i do something wrong or?
jún 20 2020 15:31:21 |
ehh, admins
jún 20 2020 15:26:02 |
noaco ze sa vyjadrujem
jún 20 2020 13:23:12 |
evilko, ty ďalší, vyjadruješ sa ku všetkému čo tu píšu iný ale aj tak z toho nič nemáš xd
jún 20 2020 12:50:07 |
ty tiez píšeš dost take veci ze rozum zastane pri tom
jún 20 2020 12:03:10 |
Pokiaľ to nepochopíš už teraz tak jedine ti asi zablokovať účet aby si sem nepísal somariny...