Since I've had a fair amount of interactions with Arbnor (further reffered to as "Noli") here, I'd like to offer my two cents on this whole thing. First, I'll discuss the things mentioned here.
The admin has issued 2 mutes which I think both are unfair first one was when I just said "ez" he muted me for 5 minutes with the reason of "provocation".
I can with utmost certainty say, that you did not get muted for just saying "ez". Looking back at the chat history, it is clear that you've said something more along the lines of "ignore this dumbass", "shut the hell up", "you suck", immediately commenting on someone joining with the words "UGH, why did you join bro?" and many more. That, to me, doesn't seem like you got muted for
just saying "ez".
Second mute was when I criticized him for muting calling him a garbage admin and a hypocrite for telling me "and stop crying ." when he himself muted me for one single 2 letter word which his massive ego couldn't take, so he ended up muting me for 30 minutes for the reason of "provocation".
Thankfully, by your full description of what you said, I can determine approximately when your mute has expired (and by the hour and a half long pause in between your messages). You started again with the words "garbo player", "it was a suggestion not a love letter, so shove it up your arse and piss off", "really garbage admin" (and immediately saying that this is not insulting him - I beg to differ) and I will gloss over the fact, that you also wrote that one annoying bind you have with "REST IN PISS YOU WON'T BE MISSED #RIPBOZO", because you said that it was unintentional. Let this be the one pass you get.
Now, for the second part of that message - The admin did, in fact, tell you to "stop crying", which might not be the best approach as a representant of this server, I do not discredit that. However, again, he did not mute you just for a two letter word, as per what I have already written above.
Then after another player called me "puss y" which he after said "klid" and never muted him.
Yes, of course, muting for one singular slip up is nonsensical. That's what the admins are there for - to remind people of that. He has been reminded once and stopped. You have been reminded several times over several days, maybe even several weeks with little to no effect.
He also started provoking an insult saying "go report me" basically admitting he was wrong.
That is not a provocation, that is simply telling you how it is - if you have a problem with an admin, go take it to the higher ups. Complaining on the server solves nothing and just makes it a toxic environment for both the party involved AND the ones that are not involved. Also, that is not admittance of guilt, that should be clear already, but just in case it isn't - admittance is saying "Yes, I was wrong". He told you to report him so he can have a proper defense and so you stop complaining on the server when it clearly was for nothing.
Before I say my opinion and share my experiences with you, let's discuss the second message you posted:
First off nice strawman fallacy, saying "act like you should" while actively sucking at your only job isn't a valid argument to muting me for saying "ez" which you ignored and didn't answer the reason as to "Why?"
I am going to assume that by "sucking at you job", you are reffering to the guy who insulted you, to which the admin did give him a warning. As per what I've written above - the admin did just fine. And again, he did not mute you for just saying "ez".
Secondly if you see the context between my chat messages which you clearly didn't, about 75% of my messages aren't even provocations it's just conversations with players, arguing with admins and the rest being acronyms like "XD", "RIP" or "ez" which are not provocations.
Now, I might be talking to a literal wall, since that is your opinion and I feel like I can't change that, but you've got it mixed up. About 75% of your messages ARE provocations. I don't see how telling people they are garbage, that it's ez, telling everyone how you're superior and constantly insulting them, is considered having conversations with them. That is not a conversation, that is provocation with clear intent to make them react back (seeing how you react just the same when someone says the same thing to you). With this, I have already answered the second part of this message, i.e.: "acronyms like XD, RIP or ez are not provocations". XD and RIP might not be provocations. EZ, the one bind that you have and basically the rest of your messages are provocations. But I guess it was convenient to leave that part out of your message, wasn't it?
Now that I have answered both of these messages, allow me to give you my own opinion on this whole cause:
Noli is a player that, according to my own observations, is widely regarded between players as someone unpleasant to be around, arrogant, toxic and bad for the community overall. This player will go out of their way to provoke, insult and harass other players, calling them all sorts of things, all which can be easily found via a 5 minute scroll (or less) through their chat history. Furthemore, they will go out of their way to make your playing session as miserable as possible, if you ever dare to say something back to them. This goes beyond just being toxic in chat. They will literally do anything to make your whole session as miserable as possible. Talk about being a hypocrite.
The fact that this player is hated among what feels to be like a large majority of the server is pretty telling. I understand that targeting someone isn't exactly a bannable offense and nothing much can be done about it, but I feel like something can be done about a player that constantly tries to
literally drive off players from this server just by the sheer toxicity in the past month or so. The problems are long-term and constant.
That is probably everything I have to say about this.
TL;DR: Basically everything that Noli said here is baseless conjecture. The admin has ultimately done nothing wrong and Noli is just someone who
will insult you as much as possible with the intent to drive you off the server basically for good. They are constantly provoking, being toxic and arguing with other players, very often being the initiator of said conflicts.