1) Nick on the server:aSuL*Hx6x
2) I play on the server daily (specify in hours)
From 1 hours to 2 hours and if I have free time, I will be on the server
3) I report player offenses to the forum/admins (YES/NO)
Yes, always tell Darkdeagle about those who use cheet, walkhack, and other hackings
4) Admin experience - (YES/NO) - time, portals, positions on servers/portals (DO NOT write their names, or links to the website)
I don't have enough experience but with time I will learn everything
5) Counter-strike I play (days, months, years)
7 years
6) List bans on this portal (add a link in the banlist with your SteamID):STEAM_0:0:847971179
I don't have a ban
7) Link to your profile in HLSTATS:X
8) SteamID and SteamNick
9) Functional microphone (YES/NO)
10) I attend TS3 (YES/NO + Nick :No but I have Discord
11) Age and date of birth:
12) Experience, skills and what you could contribute to the server/portal:
Supervise players, protect the server from cheaters and maintain behavior
13) Something about yourself (brief description, no "words")
My name is Muhammad from Palestine I am a sports teacher I love I exercise daily I have become attached to this server and I love it and when I have free time I am on this server
14) How many hours have you logged on steam (CS 1.6)
34 hours