Connect on the server and copy this from your console and send this here.
[AMXBans] ===========================================
[AMXBans] Si zabanovany na tomto serveri!
[AMXBans] Si zabanovany permanentne.
[AMXBans] Zabanovany nick : Darkdeagle
[AMXBans] Dovod : ' Wallhack '
[AMXBans] Zabanovane SteamID : ' STEAM_0 : 0 : 123456789 '
[AMXBans] Zabanovana IP : ' '
[AMXBans] Tvoje SteamID : ' STEAM_0 : 0 : 123456789 '
[AMXBans] Tvoja IP : ' '
[AMXBans] Ak ban nie je tvoj , alebo si ho dostal nepravom
[AMXBans] poziadaj si o unban na
[AMXBans] ===========================================
Dneska jsem hrál na vašem serveru Only Dust2. Dostal jsem ban, když jsem si ve spodních katech počkal na 3 CT. Mám kvalitní sluchátka a enemy jsem slyšel procházet horními katy. Poprosil bych o prošetření tohoto případu.
You have been banned for ban evanding. You connected to the server with different IP and got banned. After that you connected to the server again but with different IP Adress. On that IP Adress, from second ban, you already had 3 permanent bans from years 2021 and 2022.
Sorry, but I must reject your unban request. If you want still play on our servers, then there is one way and it's Payed Unban. Contact me via PM If you want Pay for UB. Price for UB is 3,5€ via PayPal.
CS 1.6 Hlavný Admin
CS 1.6 Hlavný CheatHunter
2.7.2022 - 17.9.2023
CS 1.6 CheatHunter
01.06.2021 - 2.7.2022
CS 1.6 Server Admin:
Zombie, Dust2Only (EX)
CS 1.6 Admin
[CS 1.6] Zombie, COD:MW, Furien
[CS:GO] Mirage Only
Upravil TheReaper dňa 05-09-2023 22:03