1) L + https://steamcommunity.com/id/jaraman/
2) 1-4 ? I guess around 2 hours in average.
3) FACEIT lvl 10, 2500 elo
4) A lot by !calladmin
5) No
6) 2876 hrs
7) No
12)Just joined it.
13) 20, 24.06.2002
14) I play a lot of CS:GO, as its my passion. Im quite decent at the game, so I think I can identify cheaters pretty clearly. From my experience on casuals it happens usually in night hours admins are not there are sometimes a cheater is not punished for long time, since I play lot at night I think I would be useful.
15) Czech CS:GO player, used to play competetive for a bit, love to compete, love to sport. Speaking english basically fluently.