the ban :
My statement : first, I just want to ask about something,
if you have a crazy lags, and you are in game, so you dont have the right to go spectator/ or quit the game in order to look for the problem that causing you this lag?
and for this Im going to put the whole timing of the demo while I was playing , quiting and transforming to spectator.
08:35 : just connected,
12:20 : start to geting lags between 120 and 140 latency
15:13 : quiting the game to look for what is going on!
16:46 : reconnected,
29:45 : lags again +120 latency
31:00 : +150 up to 190 ping (latency)
32:00 to 33:30 240 to 300 latency
and here at 35:18 my game was about to crash,so that explain why you should quiting or going SPECT, to not get your game crash!
35:53 : i quit the game to relanch it..
38:55 : reconnected and still having +260 latency , cant even move...
39:33 : left
41:00 : reconnected, still have lags then I went SPEC,
48:25 : quit and restarting the PC.
after all of this, if you check the demo, you will see that I had lags at the minutes that Ive mentioned, so being AFK or playing will just cause you in a game crash!
whatever, itzzk1ndy he maneged to saw me when I was moving to SPEC,(he didnt saw my lags,he didnt warned me, so I could tell him what is the problem) and he thought that is was in order to avoid game goals (infecting humans) maybe he was sure about this, he just decided to report me, and then fayfox banned me.
im asking HLA
Player1 to take a look at this demo,
when i had a good latency i was attacking every human, without stoping...
but today I had some troubles with the connection.
I had ban without any warning.
By the way I think if you focus on other players (cheater) just like you focus on me, for sure you will catch em cheating clearly, just try....
Have a good day.
.blsd Warrior1
Upravil Warrior1 dňa 22-04-2023 15:46