Ahoj Doseda, musím sa priznať, že som si myslel, že už prestaneš zapierať, priznáš sa, ospravedlníš sa a potom s odstupom času požiadaš o unban za určitých podmienok.... Nevadí, nemal som byť naivný.
To, že cheatuješ sme vedeli už dlhšie, ale bolo ťažké nájsť dostatočný dôkaz, lebo vždy keď sme ťa začali spectovať, tak si sa začal hrať na bota, ktorý nevie strieľať, jeho reakčný čas bol neskutočne pomalý a peekovanie bolo na smiech. Si hráč, ktorý vie hrať s cheatami. Na WH by sme ťa nedostali, lebo si to vedel veľmi dobre maskovať. Aj Triggerbot si mal veľmi dobre nastavený a lockol si sa až keď si bol relatívne blízko pri hlave. Trvalo nám to 3-4 dni, kým sme dostali dostatoční dôkaz. Prvý krát si sa pripojil na Mrg only a to bola osudová chyba, lebo v arénach sa dá prefirovať a predpovedať kde ťa kto peekne , ale na Mrg only to bolo moc vidieť. Ban si dostal od majiteľa portálu ,ako už Mathieu povedal, a nemyslím si, že by len tak zmenil svoj názor, keďže sa na tom zhodlo viacero ľudí. Dúfam, že sa do budúcna poučíš.
Hi Doseda, I have to say that I thought you would stop being in denial, you would apologize and later on with certain conditions you would ask for the unban. Nevertheless, I was naive.
The fact that you were cheating was known to us for quite a long period of time. However, we were not able to get good enough prove, because every time we went to spectate you you started playing like a bot, your shooting and spray control was rubbish, your reaction time was an absolute joke and peeking was awful. You are a player who knows how to play with cheats. If you were just wallhacking
I do not think we would have had enough evidence to ban you because you were, and I have to say that, great at hiding it. The triggerbot was configured very wisely as well, but not wisely enough unfortunately for you. It took us about 3-4 days to get the required evidence. Your fatal flaw was that you connected to Mrg only. In arenas it is possible to prefire, preaim the peek, but while playing Mrg only it was too obvious. You were banned by Epiczone owner as Mathieu mentioned above and I think he is not going to change his mind considering that more admins had the agreement that you had been cheating. Hopefully, you are going to take something a lesson perhaps from your actions into the future.